Carbon, Climate, and Coffee Projects

Heine Brothers is a founding member of Cooperative Coffees, a fair-trade green coffee buying cooperative that exists to import high-quality, organic green coffee from small-scale farmer organizations to build long-term relationships and foster fair and equitable trading practices. Coop Coffee’s goal is to make coffee growing a sustainable and beneficial endeavor for farmer families and their communities.

Through membership in Coop Coffees, Heine Brothers is able to work with coffee farming coops directly, not just on purchasing high-quality organic coffee at above fair-trade prices, but also on sustainability, community projects, cultural exchanges, and transparency.

Heine Brothers donates 3¢ for every pound of coffee that we purchase to the Coop Coffees Carbon, Climate, and Coffee Fund – creating opportunities to support small-scale farmers implement regenerative agricultural practices and to act as environmental service providers. In 2019, Heine Brothers funds are going to 8 coffee producer cooperatives, working on 8 different projects: